Ludlum House Group Site
Ludlum House Group Site is a two-story Forest Service rental house in the Rogue River-Siskiyou National Forest, 11 miles inland from Oregon's southern coast near Brookings. The house is at the confluence of Wheeler Creek and the Winchuck River. Once a private vacation home, the property features a broad lawn for games like volleyball or Frisbee and a wide, wrap-around porch. Old-growth trees surround the house. The grounds, porch, first floor, and a nearby vault toilet are all ramped and accessible. Hiking and fishing are the most popular recreational opportunities near the Ludlum House. The nearby Oregon Redwoods Trail has a portion that is "barrier free."

Ludlum House Features
The Ludlum House has a single, large room on the ground floor and a "three-quarter dividing wall" on the second floor. The house has minimal furnishings - a table and chairs, a sink and food preparation counter, solar lights, and a wood stove. Even though there is room for up to 30 guests, there are no beds. Visitors should bring foam sleeping pads to sleep on the floor or camp outside. When more than 30 guests are at the site, the extra visitors must sleep outside in tents.
Outside: Drinking water is available from a bright red hand pump. Also outside, are picnic tables, a horseshoe pit and a group fire ring. The accessible vault toilet is nearby.
What Guests Need to Bring
Visitors to Ludlum House Group Site need to provide their own bedding or sleeping bags, pillows, and sleeping pads. Also bring extra toilet paper, flashlights, battery-powered lanterns, first aid kit, matches, washcloths and towels, silverware, cooking gear (including a propane powered camp stove or two, wine opener, dish soap and garbage bags. Guests must clean the cabin upon departure and take everything they brought, including garbage and food.
Firewood is available at the Host site in the adjacent campground.
Read full details, watch a YouTube video about the Ludlum House, and check for any updates: National Forest: Ludlum House Group Site and - Ludlum House Group Site